a thousand kisses (tv series) 뜻
- 천 번의 입맞춤
- thousand: noun, adjective, 천(의), 무수(한), a ~ to
- tv series: 시리즈
- by the thousand: 몇 천이나
- thousand: noun, adjective, 천(의), 무수(한), a ~ to one 거의 절대적인, one in a ~ 희귀한(뛰어난)것
- hershey's kisses: 허쉬 키세스
- stolen kisses: 도둑맞은 키스
- 24 (tv series): 24 (드라마) 24 (드라마)
- 5th republic (tv series): 제5공화국 (드라마)
- 7th heaven (tv series): 제7의 천국 (드라마)
- a beautiful mind (tv series): 뷰티풀 마인드 (드라마)
- a new leaf (tv series): 개과천선 (드라마)
- a style for you (tv series): 어 스타일 포 유
- about time (tv series): 멈추고 싶은 순간 : 어바웃 타임
- abyss (tv series): 어비스 (드라마)
- ace attorney (tv series): 역전재판 ~그 「진실」, 이의 있소!~
기타 단어
- "a taxing woman" 뜻
- "a terra-cotta warrior" 뜻
- "a theory of fun for game design" 뜻
- "a theory of justice" 뜻
- "a thousand days' promise" 뜻
- "a thousand splendid suns" 뜻
- "a thousand times good night" 뜻
- "a thousand words (film)" 뜻
- "a tiger in winter" 뜻
- "a theory of justice" 뜻
- "a thousand days' promise" 뜻
- "a thousand splendid suns" 뜻
- "a thousand times good night" 뜻